Friday, December 2

Unrealscript Overview Part Five : Player Controller and Camera

The PlayerController, derived from GamePlayerController, is the Player counterpart of the NPC GameAIController. The Player is put into the walking state by default. We co straight from here to the Spectating state, suitable for a free-flying camera. The states are implemented in GamePlayerController and it's base classes. The UpdateRotation() method is called from the base controllers Tick(). It's job is to transfer changes in PlayerInput and translate them into actual motion that sets the position and orientation of the player. ProcessMove() simply updates the Pawn's acceleration and leaves it to the base clases to update the Pawns velocity and position accordingly.

Player Controller

class LavaLampPlayerController extends GamePlayerController;


simulated event PostBeginPlay()

* The default state for the player controller

state PlayerWalking
 event BeginState(Name PreviousStateName)

* The default state for the lava lamp demo

state PlayerSpectating
 event BeginState(Name PreviousStateName)
  bCollideWorld = false;

 function ProcessMove(float DeltaTime, vector NewAccel, eDoubleClickDir DoubleClickMove, rotator DeltaRot)
  if( Pawn == None )

  if (Role == ROLE_Authority)
   // Update ViewPitch for remote clients
   Pawn.SetRemoteViewPitch( Rotation.Pitch );

  Pawn.Acceleration = NewAccel;

 function UpdateRotation( float DeltaTime )
  local Rotator   DeltaRot, newRotation, ViewRotation;

  ViewRotation = Rotation;
  if (Pawn!=none)

  // Calculate Delta to be applied on ViewRotation
  DeltaRot.Yaw      = PlayerInput.aTurn;
  DeltaRot.Pitch    = PlayerInput.aLookUp;

  ProcessViewRotation( DeltaTime, ViewRotation, DeltaRot );

  NewRotation = ViewRotation;
  NewRotation.Roll = Rotation.Roll;
  if ( Pawn != None ) {
   Pawn.FaceRotation(NewRotation, deltatime);

Player Camera

class LavaLampPlayerCamera extends Camera;

function UpdateViewTarget(out TViewTarget OutVT, float DeltaTime)
 local CameraActor   CamActor;
 local Pawn     TPawn;

 // Don't update outgoing viewtarget during an interpolation 

 if( PendingViewTarget.Target != None && OutVT == ViewTarget && BlendParams.bLockOutgoing )

 // Default FOV on viewtarget
 OutVT.POV.FOV = DefaultFOV;

 // Viewing through a camera actor.
 CamActor = CameraActor(OutVT.Target);

 if( CamActor != None )
  CamActor.GetCameraView(DeltaTime, OutVT.POV);

  // Grab aspect ratio from the CameraActor.
  bConstrainAspectRatio   = bConstrainAspectRatio || CamActor.bConstrainAspectRatio;
  OutVT.AspectRatio   = CamActor.AspectRatio;

  // See if the CameraActor wants to override the PostProcess settings used.
  CamOverridePostProcessAlpha = CamActor.CamOverridePostProcessAlpha;
  CamPostProcessSettings = CamActor.CamOverridePostProcess;
  TPawn = Pawn(OutVT.Target);

  // Give Pawn Viewtarget a chance to dictate the camera position.
  // If Pawn doesn't override the camera view, then we proceed with our own defaults
  if( TPawn == None || !TPawn.CalcCamera(DeltaTime, OutVT.POV.Location, OutVT.POV.Rotation, OutVT.POV.FOV) )
   // for this demo, we just follow the player controller
   OutVT.POV.Rotation = PCOwner.Rotation;              
   OutVT.POV.Location = PCOwner.Location;

 // Apply camera modifiers at the end (view shakes for example)
 ApplyCameraModifiers(DeltaTime, OutVT.POV);



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