Wednesday, January 26

Visual Studio and Standard Environments.

Just what is it that people see in it? Working with it as an editor is like swimming through treacle. Without the Visual Assist plugin it's auto completion is limited and without lengthy compile times, it can't manage to tag a project well. You can only really edit three languages with it, and use only the hand full of source code control systems that implement a Microsoft API. It's scripting facilities are ripe for viral attack, and poor tools for automation.

The wizards to help programmers who don't know how to do basic things ignore their ignorance, though. I'm just a little pissed off about this "standard environment" that' s been imposed on everybody at work. The a component of the last "standard environment" was the slowest and most broken source control system I've ever worked with.

When carrying 500kilo weights is the standard environment for the Olympic High Jump, then all this will make sense. I think. Standard environments might be great for managers as they reduce programmers to the lowest common interchangable denominaters, but for programmers looking for an edge and a chance to develop great software, they are a positive handicap.

Somewhere there is a cutoff point where staying within the standard environment becomes ultimately more punishing than the leap forward out of it. I just hope I can recognise that point.

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